Top Dermatologists Answer LASER Hair Removal FAQs

Body hair is deemed unattractive by both women and men globally. The reason is a matter of hygiene.

Body hair acts as a heat trap and in summer seasons, a person with a layer of body hair will sweat more hence, their skin will become a breeding ground for microbes. The result is foul body odour that will surely come in the way of both personal as well as professional life of the person in question. Also as a cosmetic preference silky smooth legs are far more desired especially in Summer months.

There are countless procedures to get rid of body hair but the one that is strongly recommended by dermatologists here in the UK and the rest of the world is LASER body hair reduction treatment.

In this context, this post in the following sections will discuss a few FAQs related to LASER body hair removal treatment. It is to be noted that answers to those questions are provided by dermatologists associated with revered skin clinics here in the UK.

Laser Hair Removal

a lady laying on a salon bed having laser hair removal
a lady laying on a salon bed having laser hair removal

Image source: Canva Pro

Let’s begin:-

Who is the right candidate for this treatment?

According to experts associated with LASER unwanted hair removal treatment clinics here in the UK, the right candidate for the treatment are those who:-

  • Do not have any underlying or diagnosed skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis and
  • Do not have tanned or sunburnt skin.

What about people with naturally dark skin?

Well, they can receive this treatment as modern LASER body hair reduction equipment come with adjustable controls. This means that the intensity of the LASER beams can be dialled down to ensure safe and effective LASER hair removal from naturally dark skin.

Is this a permanent solution for body hair reduction?

Well, as per the experts associated with skin clinics offering unwanted hair removal treatment, it is not a permanent solution but it reduces the overall body hair strand producing capabilities of the hair follicles present in the treated areas of a person’s skin.

The overall thickness of the hair strands will reduce. The density of the body hair strands will also exhibit a sharp drop. Furthermore, the intensity of the body hair strand pigment will also get reduced hence, even if the treatment recipient misses out on a follow-up session and has some degree of body hair growth, it won’t come in the way of their overall appearance.

For the best results, experts recommend that treatment recipients complete all treatment sessions and make it a habit of periodically booking an appointment at their preferred LASER body hair reduction treatment clinic for follow up sessions.

Is this a painful procedure?

No, it is not.

Compared to traditional body hair removal solutions like waxing, LASER body hair reduction treatment is a breeze.

As the LASER beam makes contact with the target areas of the treatment recipient’s skin, the person will feel a sensation that is similar to a rubber band snapping against their skin.

If that sounds too much then revered skin clinics here in the UK, offers their clients the option to apply a topical anaesthetic cream on the target areas of the skin.

This cream numbs the target areas of the skin so that the treatment recipient can relax and let the experts take care of their body hair reduction requirements.


For more information or answers to questions related to LASER body hair reduction treatment, it is strongly advised that one consults with the dermatologists associated with a revered skin clinic offering this treatment.

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Image Source: Canva Pro

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