Soprano ICE Laser Hair Removal in Dubai

Soprano ICE Laser Hair Removal in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Cost & Price

Disposing of undesirable hair is an issue faced by many people, with long-haul hair evacuation being especially difficult. People opt for waxing or a razor but the bad thing is razor is not a long-lasting solution and waxing is quite painful and expensive. So to answer all these problems Soprano ICE Laser Hair Removal in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah is the best option to get rid of these problems of hair removal we offer you the top aesthetic practitioners to let you avail 100% results.

What it is in Actuality?

The Soprano ICE addresses another period in laser hair expulsion innovation and treatment techniques. By consolidating different laser frequencies and innovations, it permits you to treat the largest scope of patients and hair types rapidly and easily, the best thing about it is, that it is beneficial in treating both dark and lighter hair and on all types of skin whether the skin is dry, sensitive, oily, allergic or normal.


It works by focussing a laser shaft at the foundation of every hair follicle. The light from the laser is consumed by the shade of the hair, the melanin, which harms the hair follicle and assists with stopping and forestalling further hair development. The pace of hair development will diminish the more medicines you have and the more the follicles are harmed. The hair likewise should be in the right piece of the hair development cycle for treatment to be successful, which is the reason a course of medicines is suggested.

In contrast to other laser hair expulsion frameworks that main work for patients with more obscure hair and are not reasonable for those with dark, blonde, or white hair, the Soprano ICE device has been intended to easily focus on a more extensive scope of skin and hair types.

At last, it is ideally suited for treating our clients with hazier skin types who are searching for a hair expulsion choice and frequently find that facilities don’t have the right hardware to treat them without harming their skin, because of the expanded melanin that it contains. It additionally has a profound entrance which makes it extraordinary to use on hairs that lie a lot further in the skin, for example, those found in the armpits, swimsuit line, or scalp.


  • It consolidates various laser frequencies to treat an assortment of skin and hair types, from lighter hair to tanned skin.
  • This procedure is virtual of no pain and no risk
  • It is a non invasive procedure
  • It has no recovery time
  • Results are permanent and a real difference can be seen in the growth of the hairs.
  • Outstanding outcomes in a few sessions.


Care taking is really very essential to avoid risk after the procedure and to maintain the results. Some of the aftercare are:

  • Taking the medicines for healing purposes if prescribed by the doctor.
  • Apply cool compressions over the area to feel relaxed
  • Try to protect your skin from UV rays and avoid excessive exposure to the sun.
  • Use sun scream in outside visits.
  • Try to avoid doing exercise to protect the skin from overheating.
  • Apply prescribed creams

Why Choose Us?

If you want to get rid of unwanted hairs on the face or on the body on a permanent basis, then do consult our expert dermatologists and esthetic doctors at Enfield Royal Laser Clinic in Dubai. We offer amazing results with 100% ensuring. As well our clinic is a well-known celebrity clinic that provides outstanding services with amazing discounts on cost. At last, the big news is we are offering a very first free consultation with the specialists, so that you can get a chance for free to clear all of your queries regarding the procedure its cost, and its effectiveness. So do consult and learn to know more about the Soprano ICE Laser Hair Removal in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah.

Book A Free Appointment

To avail this offer of getting a free appointment with our experts you have to fill out the form which mentioned below. Carefully fill in the information so that our team will get back to your queries in time.

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