Permanent Laser hair removal

Permanent Laser hair removal

Permanent Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal

Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

The principle of laser epilation
Laser technology can be used for the gradual and permanent removal of hair from face and body. Thanks to our wide range of laser treatments (Alexandrite and Nd: YAG), laser hair removal is available for both women and men, carried out perfectly safely whatever the area of skin and for all skin tones. Laser delivers energy that destroys the root of the hair.

Alexandrite laser :

  • Used most often
  • Indicated for white skin : phototypes 1, 2, 3
  • Not recommended for tanned or dark skin
  • Risk of burns on matt and black skin

Nd : YAG laser :

  • Laser specially for matt and black skin
  • Recommended for phototypes 4,5 and 6
  • Used safely with no risk of burning
  • Lower intensity than alexandrite laser and so more sessions required

Recommendations before the laser hair removal session

  • Stop regular hair removal 3 weeks beforehand and between sessions, avoid pulling out hairs, because the laser acts on the bulb.
  • Only shaving is possible before the sessions and throughout the duration of the treatment (the root of the hair is spared).
  • The procedure can only be done on skin with no hair (shaved) and with no tan (natural or UV rays)
  • Avoid medication that causes sensitivity to light or the sun, and self-tanning lotions.
  • It is advisable to refrain from applying anything (creams, make-up) to the skin before the session

Several sessions of laser treatment are necessary

The hair has 3 lifecycle phases :

  • anagen: growth phase which lasts 1 to 3 months, laser epilation effective
  • catagen : transition phase during which mitosis ceases and the follicle shrinks in size as it retracts into the mid dermis. The start of the involution of the hair lasts 2 to 3 weeks, laser epilation not effective.
  • telogen : phase of rest leading to the fall of the hair, lasts 3 months, laser epilation not effective

On the same area at any given time there are hairs in all three different phases. In other words, the hair in the anagen phase will be targeted by the laser and the hair in the catagen phase will not be targeted by the laser epilation at this time but at another time, when they are in the anagen phase.

This is why on average 6 to 8 consecutive sessions are required at intervals of 6 to 12 weeks.

How a laser epilation session takes place

In a doctor’s surgery without the need for prior anaesthetics.
Protect the eyes of both patient and doctor from the laser with special glasses.
With the laser hand piece, the laser operator applies an impact of 5 thousandths of a second to the skin and simultaneously applies a small jet of cold air which has an anaesthetic effect.
There is little discomfort, just a slight tingling sensation. The pain stops when the impact stops.

The laser can be used on the face and on any other part of the body,

  • for women : between the eyebrows, chin, cheeks, armpits, bikini
  • for men : beard, nose, private parts

At the end of the session the skin is slightly red but there is no lasting discomfort.
A soothing cream is applied to the areas treated after the procedure.
The following session is scheduled one month later.

Recommendations after the laser session

As long as the Laser sessions are not finished, do not remove the hair from the areas to be treated so that the roots are intact.
No tanning (natural or UV rays) for 3 weeks after the session.

Results of the laser hair removal sessions

  • Laser is more effective on thick, dark hair growing on pale skin.
  • Laser is not very effective on light-coloured hair.
  • Gradually as the sessions progress, the hair becomes finer and lighter until it eventually disappears.

Side effects of the Laser treatment

  • Burns and the appearance of patches if the skin is tanned.
  • Paradoxical hair growth.

Contraindications :

  • Tanning (UV rays, natural)
  • Pregnancy and breast feeding
  • Skin infection, herpes
  • Medication that causes sensitivity to light or the sun (Roaccutane, certain antibiotics)

Comparison of Laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) or flash lamp

IPL or flash lamp is proposed for permanent hair removal. Unfortunately its use is more complex and risky than Laser. Its use is dangerous for phototype VI (black skin) and ineffectual for very light skin with blonde and white hair.

  • The characteristics of the laser beam are easier to control than pulsed light, which makes the error margin smaller with laser.
  • Laser is monochromatic and directional light that is captured by a well-defined target
  • (Chromophore) which makes the action of the laser more specific than the flash lamp.
  • Pulsed light is very operator-dependent and requires equipment that is of high quality and well-maintained.

The difference between Laser and electrical epilation

Electrical epilation consists in introducing a fine needle into the pilosebaceous follicle up to the bulb to destroy it with an electrical current. The procedure is fastidious, time-consuming and painful. Laser treatment is more convenient.

On the other hand, electrical epilation is effective on small areas with a thin covering of hair, for example as a complement to laser treatment for persistent hair, and is still the only technique available for white, ginger or very fine hair.

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