How Much Can You Earn with a Medical Aesthetics Certificate?

How Much Can You Earn with a Medical Aesthetics Certificate?

If you ever wanted to work in the beauty industry, there are two ways to go about it. First, you can apply to beauty clinics and cosmetic centers, and try to learn on the job. However, the industry is so regulated now that it would be more difficult for companies to hire somebody with no proper educational training and background.

The accepted practice now is to finish a medical aesthetics certification program first, get your documents, and apply for a job.

What is a Medical Aesthetics Certificate?

You can secure the certificate after completing the program, which typically lasts from one to two years. You need a high school diploma or a corresponding GED before you can enroll in the program. You also need to be at least 18 years old.

Some programs may also require previous experience in the beauty industry, although most schools or training centers will forego this requirement.

Unfortunately, you cannot take medical aesthetics certification courses online. As you might imagine, while you will learn about the theories, a significant number of hours will be spent on hands-on training. That is the best way to transfer knowledge from mentor to student.

A part of the program requirements is on-the-job-training. You will be assigned to a beauty center or facility where you get a chance to work with real clients in a real-world scenario. Not only will you enhance your skills, but you will also learn how to socialize with customers, which is a vital ingredient for a successful career.

How Much Can You Earn?

According to the Labor Statistics Bureau, the average wage for a skin care specialist is $15.05 per hour. That might not be less than the average salary in the United States. However, it is the average pay for a certificate program.

But you have plenty of flexibility. The medical aesthetics industry is estimated to be worth $22 billion by 2022. The government also projects an 11% growth rate in the industry through 2028. The certificate program is designed to get your foot in the door. You have a lot of opportunities to learn different procedures while on the job to widen your expertise.

For instance, the primary segments of the medical aesthetics industry include:

  • Cosmetic implants
  • Facial aesthetics
  • Skin aesthetics
  • Skin lightening
  • Tattoo removal
  • Nail laser treatment
  • Hair removal
  • Thread lift

What Can You Expect?

When you take a medical aesthetics certification course, you will learn the whole gamut of beauty, hair, make-up, and skin care treatment. You will learn about different topical and oral skincare products. You will know how to apply skin care treatments, as well as the corresponding risks and allergens. You will become familiar with the modern equipment used in the medical aesthetics industry.

In most instances, you will also learn massage therapy. The massage will help rejuvenate the skin and circulate the blood after each session.

Once you finish the program, you can then decide on your specialization. Being an expert at something will help you become more attractive to potential employers. After all, the beauty industry is always looking for capable skin care specialists. Finally, when you developed your skills and gained enough experience, you can also augment your income by working as a trainer in certificate schools or training centers.

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