Can You Have Laser Hair Removal While Breastfeeding

Cosmetic Surgery Tips
Cosmetic Surgery Tips

Can You Have Laser Hair Removal While Breastfeeding

If you’re thinking about getting a new hair removal treatment, you may be wondering if it’s safe to do so while breastfeeding. And the answer is yes! Laser hair removal is one of the safest forms of permanent hair removal, and it doesn’t involve any chemicals or hormones that could affect your baby. While there are some risks involved with having any type of cosmetic procedure done during pregnancy, there’s no evidence that shows laser hair removal poses any more risk than other types of cosmetic procedures like botox or fillers. We’ll also consider risks of laser hair removal while breastfeeding and can you get laser on face while breastfeeding in this post.

If you’re considering getting laser hair removal done while pregnant or nursing, we recommend consulting with your doctor first to make sure this procedure won’t interfere with your pregnancy or lactation. It’s also important to note that laser hair removal isn’t recommended for anyone under 18 years old or those who are taking medications like Accutane (isotretinoin) due to its potential effects on the skin and eyes.

If you’re a woman who’s pregnant, there are probably a lot of things on your mind.

You want to make sure you’re eating right and taking care of yourself, so that you can give your baby all the nutrients they need. You want to make sure your baby is healthy, so you’re taking all the necessary precautions to avoid any complications during pregnancy. And then there’s the big one: how are you going to handle breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural ways to feed your baby, but it comes with some pretty intense side effects—like soreness, engorgement, and cracked nipples—that can make it hard to get through the first few weeks without feeling uncomfortable or even in pain. So what happens when you want laser hair removal while breastfeeding? Is it possible? What should you be looking for in a laser clinic? How do you know if your body can handle it?

First, you need to know that there are different kinds of lasers that can be used for hair removal. The type of laser used will determine how long it takes for the hair to grow back and how many treatments you’ll need to get rid of all your unwanted hair. Because we’re talking about permanent hair removal here, it’s important that you find out which kind of laser your clinic uses so that you have an idea of what kind of results to expect.

Second, keep in mind that laser hair removal is not going to hurt as much as waxing or using an electrolysis kit at home—that’s because they don’t require pulling out any hairs by their roots. But if you’re planning on getting pregnant soon or want to start trying right away, it might be best not to do anything drastic like this until after you’ve given birth (and ideally until after breastfeeding). If your clinic uses a different kind of laser than they did when they last treated you, make sure they update their records with any changes soIs Laser Hair Removal Safe If I Am Pregnant or Breastfeedng?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding hair growth and skin changes are common. Increased amounts of hormones are the culprit for the annoying skin and hair problems. Because of these changes, women often desire laser hair removal or skin treatments during these times.

Laser for hair removal and skin treatments have been approved by the FDA since the late 1990’s. Since this time no studies have proven that laser hair or skin procedures are unsafe for pregnant or non pregnant women.


There have been studies on pregnant rats that have shown negative effects, but incidental human exposure to laser procedures during pregnancy has not proven harmful. However, because there are no long-term studies and due to the delicate nature of pregnancy it has been recommended by most professionals that laser hair removal be postponed until after the birth of the baby. As a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) I would have to agree with this recommendation. It is best to err on the side of caution when it comes to the health and welfare of mom and baby!

Should I Do Laser Hair Removal When Pregnant?

Some may think that the suspension of the hair removal process would cause a lessened effect on hair removal but this is not necessarily so. The hair follicles that have been killed as a result of laser treatment will never grow hair again. Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding do tend to increase hair growth but waiting until after the birth of the baby to begin or continue treatments will not effect the results. Laser hair removal during breast feeding is fine as long as it is not done on the areola or breast tissue.

As far as skin treatments are concerned the same is true during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Numbing agents are commonly used with laser skin treatments. These medications do travel through the skin to our blood supply and have been found in breast milk, so it is best to postpone laser skin treatments until after you have stopped breastfeeding. For optimum results postponing laser treatments until after pregnancy and breastfeeding is recommended especially with the edema and skin changes that are associated with this time.

  1. Just to be cautious laser hair removal should be postponed until after pregnancy.
  2. More long term studies are needed in order to recommend laser use during pregnancy.
  3. Numbing creams or ointments should not be used for laser treatments during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  4. Postponing laser treatments that are already in progress will not negatively affect the outcome.
  5. If you have had laser treatment while pregnant do not panic, just postpone the treatment until after the baby arrives.

Pregnancy is a beautiful time; a time during which a woman’s body undergoes many changes. Some of these changes are welcome – such as stronger nails and ‘glowing’ skin – and some of these changes are not so welcome.

It is common for pregnant women to experience excess hair growth in unwanted areas, and understandably want it removed. Although the pain of waxing might not be something you’d jump at while enduring some of the other aches and pains associated with pregnancy, at MySkin Clinics we do recommend waiting until you have finished breastfeeding to start or re-commence Laser Hair Removal treatments.

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser Hair Removal targets hair follicles in areas where hair growth is unwanted. During treatment, an intense pulse light is focused on the follicle in order to incur damage that will prevent future hair growth.

In the rare event that a patient experiences an uncomfortable amount of pain during Laser Hair Removal, our laser technicians will apply numbing agents to the affected areas. These medications do travel through the skin to the blood supply, and could potentially contaminate breast milk.

Although Laser Hair Removal is not a dangerous procedure and the application of pulse lasers has not been shown to affect more than the top layers of skin, our MySkin Clinics technicians do not like to take chances with the well-being of clients. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, we recommend putting your Laser Hair Removal treatments on hold.

Will Laser Hair Removal Affect My Baby?

While there is no link connecting Laser Hair Removal to negative effects on pregnant or lactating women, there is likewise no evidence to guarantee it is a safe treatment method during this time.

This vital lack of information regarding the effects of Laser Hair Removal on the foetus should beget caution. Because we cannot guarantee your total safety – nor that of your child – we will not perform Laser Hair Removal while you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If you are troubled by excess hair growth during pregnancy, we recommend more temporary hair removal solutions such as waxing and shaving. Once you have given birth and finished breastfeeding, we are happy to re-commence your Laser Hair Removal sessions where we left off.

While there is no link connecting Laser Hair Removal to negative effects on pregnant or lactating women, there is likewise no evidence to guarantee it is a safe treatment method during this time. View our pregnancy safe treatments here.


In the scheme of things, pregnancy doesn’t last for long. This time – with all its associated bodily changes – should be enjoyed as much as possible while it lasts.

Laser Hair Removal can wait until after pregnancy. We recommend waiting until after you finish breastfeeding to worry about excess hair, as we cannot guarantee Laser Hair Removal will be an entirely safe removal method.

However, it is your body – if you would like to rid yourself of excess hair during this time, more temporary hair removal methods such as shaving and waxing are both viable options.

Pregnancy is a beautiful time; a time during which a woman’s body undergoes many changes. Some of these changes are welcome – such as stronger nails and ‘glowing’ skin – and some of these changes are not so welcome.

It is common for pregnant women to experience excess hair growth in unwanted areas, and understandably want it removed. Although the pain of waxing might not be something you’d jump at while enduring some of the other aches and pains associated with pregnancy, at MySkin Clinics we do recommend waiting until you have finished breastfeeding to start or re-commence Laser Hair Removal treatments.

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser Hair Removal targets hair follicles in areas where hair growth is unwanted. During treatment, an intense pulse light is focused on the follicle in order to incur damage that will prevent future hair growth.

In the rare event that a patient experiences an uncomfortable amount of pain during Laser Hair Removal, our laser technicians will apply numbing agents to the affected areas. These medications do travel through the skin to the blood supply, and could potentially contaminate breast milk.

Although Laser Hair Removal is not a dangerous procedure and the application of pulse lasers has not been shown to affect more than the top layers of skin, our MySkin Clinics technicians do not like to take chances with the well-being of clients. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, we recommend putting your Laser Hair Removal treatments on hold.

Will Laser Hair Removal Affect My Baby?

While there is no link connecting Laser Hair Removal to negative effects on pregnant or lactating women, there is likewise no evidence to guarantee it is a safe treatment method during this time.

This vital lack of information regarding the effects of Laser Hair Removal on the foetus should beget caution. Because we cannot guarantee your total safety – nor that of your child – we will not perform Laser Hair Removal while you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If you are troubled by excess hair growth during pregnancy, we recommend more temporary hair removal solutions such as waxing and shaving. Once you have given birth and finished breastfeeding, we are happy to re-commence your Laser Hair Removal sessions where we left off.

While there is no link connecting Laser Hair Removal to negative effects on pregnant or lactating women, there is likewise no evidence to guarantee it is a safe treatment method during this time. View our pregnancy safe treatments here.


In the scheme of things, pregnancy doesn’t last for long. This time – with all its associated bodily changes – should be enjoyed as much as possible while it lasts.

Laser Hair Removal can wait until after pregnancy. We recommend waiting until after you finish breastfeeding to worry about excess hair, as we cannot guarantee Laser Hair Removal will be an entirely safe removal method.

However, it is your body – if you would like to rid yourself of excess hair during this time, more temporary hair removal methods such as shaving and waxing are both viable options.

Can You Get Laser On Face While Breastfeeding

The same holds true for skin treatments throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. Laser skin treatments frequently involve the use of numbing medications. It is advised to delay laser skin treatments until after you have stopped breastfeeding because these drugs do move through the skin to our blood stream and have been identified in breast milk. Due to the edema and skin changes that are common during this time, delaying laser treatments until after pregnancy and nursing is advised for best results.

Risks Of Laser Hair Removal While Breastfeeding

As long as the areola or breast tissue is not being treated, laser hair removal is acceptable during breastfeeding.

The same holds true for skin treatments throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. Laser skin treatments frequently involve the use of numbing medications.

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