Can Cosmetic Surgery Help Mental Health?

If you are struggling with poor mental health due to unhappiness with an aspect of your appearance or due to low self-esteem, you may be considering whether getting cosmetic surgery is the right option for you. Here is a guide that explains whether cosmetic surgery can improve your mental health in the long run.

Benefits for Self-Esteem

Many people have mental health issues in the United States, and cosmetic surgery has often been seen as the answer for people who are struggling with their mental health. This is because investing in cosmetic surgery can help to boost your self-esteem and your confidence, especially if your confidence is knocked by a certain aspect of your body. Therefore, cosmetic surgery can be one of the best steps to help those who are struggling with a severe lack of confidence and self-esteem due to their appearance, by ensuring that the aspects of themselves that they feel less comfortable with are eradicated.

Not only this, but cosmetic surgery can help to improve your mental health if you have recently suffered an illness that has changed your appearance; for instance, if you have recently had breast cancer or a mastectomy. This is because procedures such as breast reconstruction can help to give you a new breast shape that can allow you to feel like your pre-cancer self again. The same goes for procedures to help to reduce the appearance of burns and scars, as these can remind the person in question about their accident and can make it difficult to move on from it.

The Best Surgeries to Have

If you are planning to get cosmetic surgery to improve your mental health, there are a few options that are better than others. For instance, laser hair removal can help to permanently erase any excess hair on your legs and around the rest of your body. This can ensure that you can feel better about excessive hair growth or hair in unwanted places on a semi-permanent basis. This is one of the best options to get when you go for cosmetic surgery as it does not radically change your appearance, and most people do not regret getting procedures such as these performed.

Precautions to Consider

However, cosmetic surgery should not be the only answer to your mental health concerns, and you should not see this as a replacement for professional help. It’s always a good idea to contact your doctor to discuss the cosmetic surgery with them beforehand. They will also be able to get you onto a counseling scheme or medication that can help you to manage your symptoms better.

If you believe that you are battling more than low self-esteem, such as if you are showing symptoms of anxiety, depression, or body dysmorphia, you should also make sure that get a diagnosis for these conditions and that you wait until your mental health has improved before you consider undergoing cosmetic surgery.

You should also make sure that you do not have cosmetic surgery on the spur of the moment and that you plan the whole procedure. You should carry out research and make sure that this is the right treatment for you before going ahead with anything. Before you make a decision, you should also discuss the procedure in detail with a trusted cosmetic surgeon.

Presidential candidate Ebrahim Raisi looks on at a polling station during presidential elections in Tehran, Iran

Iran’s moderate presidential candidate congratulated his hardline rival hardline judge Ebrahim Raisi for winning the election, Iranian state media reported on Saturday, as the interior ministry said counting of the votes continued.

Millions of Iranians voted on Friday in a contest that has been expected to hand the presidency to Raisi, a hardline judge who is subject to U.S. sanctions for alleged human rights abuses, including overseeing the executions of thousands of political prisoners in 1988.

“I hope your administration, under the leadership of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, will make the Islamic Republic proud, improve livelihood and ensure the nation’s well-being and welfare,” said former central bank chief Abdolnasser Hemmati in a letter, media said.

In a televised speech, outgoing President Hassan Rouhani congratulated “the people’s elected (president)”, without naming him.

“Because it has not been officially announced yet, I will delay the official congratulations. But it is clear who received the votes,” Rouhani said.

The interior ministry is to announce the final results later on Saturday as the counting of the votes continued, state TV said.

Other candidates also congratulated Raisi, who was sanctioned by the United States in 2019 shortly after being appointed by Khamenei as the judiciary chief.

Hoping to boost their legitimacy, Iran’s clerical rulers had urged Iranians to turn out and vote on Friday, but dissidents inside and abroad said popular anger over economic hardship and curbs on freedoms kept many Iranians at home.

Another deterrent for many pro-reform voters was a lack of choice, after a hardline election body barred heavyweight moderate and conservative candidates from standing.

Opinion polls suggest turnout around 44%, lower than previous elections in the Islamic Republic.

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