20 LaserAway Interview Questions and Answers

When it comes to interviewing for a position at LaserAway, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, be prepared to discuss your experience with laser treatments and how you would feel comfortable administering them to clients. Secondly, be ready to talk about why you are interested in working at LaserAway specifically. Finally, be prepared to answer any questions the interviewer may have about the company’s policies or procedures. By keeping these things in mind, you can be sure to make a great impression and secure the job you want at LaserAway.

LaserAway Interview Process

The interview process at LaserAway is relatively quick and easy. Most candidates report having a phone screening followed by a Zoom interview with a regional manager. For some positions, there may be an additional in-person interview. Overall, the interview process is fairly straightforward and most candidates report feeling comfortable throughout.

Common LaserAway Interview Questions

  • Tell me about a time you had to deal with an angry customer.
  • Describe your customer service experience.
  • What would you do if a client was unhappy with their treatment?
  • Why do you want to work at LaserAway?
  • Would you be comfortable working in a medical environment?
  • How would you describe your sales style?
  • What are some of the challenges that you have encountered while working in sales?
  • Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and where?
  • When is the last time you worked as part of a team?
  • Tell us about a time when you made a mistake on the job.
  • What type of treatments would you recommend for patients looking to get tattoo removal?
  • Have you ever been responsible for hiring new employees?
  • Do you have any experience scheduling appointments?
  • Are you comfortable answering phone calls?
  • We take pride in our appearance here at LaserAway, what would you wear to work every day?
  • What has been your most successful sale?
  • Can you tell us about a time you went out of your way to help a customer?
  • What is your availability?
  • Do you know anything about laser hair removal?
  • Have you ever felt uncomfortable around needles or blood?

1. Tell me about a time you had to deal with an angry customer.

This question can help interviewers understand how you handle conflict and whether or not you have experience dealing with unhappy customers. In your answer, try to show that you are willing to take responsibility for any mistakes you make and that you know how to apologize.

Example: “I once had a customer who was upset because she felt I didn’t give her the results she wanted from our laser hair removal service. She called me at home one night and demanded a refund. I apologized to her and explained that we would be happy to offer her another treatment free of charge. She agreed to come in again and was satisfied with the results.”

2. Describe your customer service experience.

LaserAway is a customer-facing company, so it’s important to show that you have experience interacting with customers. When answering this question, describe your previous job and the type of interactions you had with customers.

Example: “In my last position as an aesthetician at a spa, I interacted with many different types of clients. Some were there for their first time, while others came in for regular treatments. My goal was always to make them feel comfortable and confident in our services. I would explain each step of the process before we started and answer any questions they had.”

3. What would you do if a client was unhappy with their treatment?

LaserAway wants to know that you can handle customer service issues and complaints. Your answer should show the interviewer that you are willing to do what it takes to make a client happy, even if it means offering them a refund or free treatment.

Example: “I would first ask the client why they were unhappy with their treatment. If I found out that there was something I could have done differently during the procedure, I would offer to redo the treatment at no cost. However, if the client was unhappy because of how their tattoo turned out after removal, I would explain that tattoos fade over time and may not be completely gone after one session.”

4. Why do you want to work at LaserAway?

This question can help the interviewer get to know you better and understand why you are a good fit for their company. When answering this question, it can be helpful to mention specific aspects of LaserAway that appeal to you or how your skills and experience align with the job description.

Example: “I want to work at LaserAway because I am passionate about helping people feel confident in their own skin. Your company’s laser tattoo removal services have helped many clients achieve their aesthetic goals, which is something I would love to do as well. I also really enjoy working with lasers and other technology, so I think my skill set would be a great match for this position.”

5. Would you be comfortable working in a medical environment?

The interviewer may ask this question to determine if you have experience working in a medical environment. If you don’t, they may want to know how comfortable you would be getting used to it. To answer this question, consider your previous work experience and discuss any training or certifications you might have that relate to the position.

Example: “I worked as an aesthetician for five years before I got my laser certification. During that time, I learned how to perform many different procedures on clients, including skin rejuvenation, hair removal and tattoo removal. I am very comfortable working in a medical setting, especially one where I can help people feel more confident about their appearance.”

6. How would you describe your sales style?

This question can help the interviewer get a better sense of your personality and how you might fit in with their team. Your sales style is also an important factor when it comes to being successful in this role, so it’s important to be honest about your approach to selling.

Example: “I believe that my sales style is very consultative. I like to take time to understand what my clients are looking for and then offer them solutions based on their needs. For example, if someone wants to remove a tattoo but they’re not sure whether they want laser removal or another method, I would discuss all of their options with them and help them make a decision.”

7. What are some of the challenges that you have encountered while working in sales?

This question can help the interviewer get a better idea of your sales experience and how you overcame challenges in the past. Use examples from previous jobs to show that you are capable of overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.

Example: “The biggest challenge I have encountered while working in sales is finding new clients. In my last position, I was tasked with finding new clients for our company’s laser hair removal services. To do this, I researched local businesses that would be interested in offering these services to their customers. I found several companies that were looking for additional revenue streams and contacted them about our services.”

8. Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and where?

This question is a way for employers to learn more about your personality and how you feel about tattoos. It’s important to be honest in your answer, but it can also be helpful to explain why you have the tattoos that you do.

Example: “I have two tattoos. One is on my right forearm of a flower with a bee inside. I got this one when I was 18 because I wanted something meaningful that would remind me to always work hard. The other tattoo is on my left shoulder blade of a butterfly. This one represents freedom and change.”

9. When is the last time you worked as part of a team?

Teamwork is an important skill to have in any position, and the interviewer may want to know how you function as part of a team. Use your answer to highlight your interpersonal skills and ability to work with others.

Example: “I’ve worked as part of a team for most of my career. I started out working at a restaurant where teamwork was essential to getting things done. In my last job, I helped lead a team of five people who were responsible for managing social media accounts for our company’s clients.”

10. Tell us about a time when you made a mistake on the job.

This question can help an interviewer get a better sense of your problem-solving skills and how you learn from your mistakes. When answering this question, it can be helpful to focus on the steps you took to fix the mistake and what you learned from the experience.

Example: “In my previous role as a medical assistant, I was helping with a patient who had a lot of questions about their treatment plan. While explaining everything to them, I accidentally said something that could have been taken out of context. I immediately apologized for my mistake and explained that I didn’t mean anything by it. The patient understood and we were able to move forward with their care.”

11. What type of treatments would you recommend for patients looking to get tattoo removal?

The interviewer may ask you this question to see if you have experience with tattoo removal and how you would recommend treatments for their clients. Use your answer to highlight your knowledge of the company’s services, as well as your ability to communicate effectively with patients.

Example: “I always recommend that my patients start with a consultation before getting any type of treatment. During the consultation, I can discuss all of our available options and help them decide which service is best for their needs. For example, some people are looking for quick results while others want more affordable treatments. I also like to make sure they know about the different types of lasers we use and what each laser can do.”

12. Have you ever been responsible for hiring new employees?

Hiring new employees is an important part of growing a company. Employers want to know that you have experience with this process and can help them find the best candidates for their team. If you haven’t hired anyone before, explain what steps you would take to do so.

Example: “I’ve never been responsible for hiring new employees, but I think it’s important to look at each candidate as an individual. I would first make sure they had all the necessary skills and qualifications for the position. Then, I would ask questions about why they are interested in working here and how they feel they could contribute to our team.”

13. Do you have any experience scheduling appointments?

This question can help the interviewer understand your ability to work with clients and schedule appointments. Use examples from previous jobs or describe how you would go about scheduling appointments for a client.

Example: “In my last position, I scheduled all of my own appointments and helped other aesthetic professionals book their appointments as well. This experience has given me an understanding of how important it is to be flexible when booking appointments and how to communicate with clients who need to reschedule or cancel their appointment.”

14. Are you comfortable answering phone calls?

The interviewer may ask this question to determine if you are comfortable with customer service. This is an important part of the job, as you will be answering phone calls from clients and scheduling appointments. To answer this question, explain that you enjoy talking on the phone and can handle multiple conversations at once.

Example: “I am very comfortable speaking on the phone, especially when I have a script in front of me so I don’t forget anything. I find it easy to multitask while talking on the phone, which makes me feel confident about handling multiple client calls at once. In my last position, I answered phones for two aesthetic dermatology offices, so I’m used to being the first point of contact for customers.”

15. We take pride in our appearance here at LaserAway, what would you wear to work every day?

Interviewers ask this question to get a sense of your personal style and how it might fit in with the company’s culture. When you answer, be honest about what you would wear to work every day and explain why. If you’re not sure what the dress code is at LaserAway, do some research on the company website or call them to find out more information.

Example: “I’m pretty casual when I go to work, but I always make sure that my clothes are clean and pressed. I like to look professional without being too overdressed. In fact, I think I’d feel most comfortable wearing black pants and a white shirt every day because they can easily be paired with different accessories.”

16. What has been your most successful sale?

This question can help the interviewer get a better idea of your sales experience and how you approach selling. Your answer should include details about what made this sale successful, including any techniques or strategies that helped you achieve success.

Example: “My most successful sale was when I convinced a client to purchase our laser hair removal package instead of just one treatment. The client had been coming in for several treatments but wasn’t sure if they wanted to commit to more sessions. I explained all the benefits of purchasing the package, which included discounts on future treatments and free touch-ups after the initial six treatments. They decided to buy the package, and we were able to provide them with excellent service.”

17. Can you tell us about a time you went out of your way to help a customer?

This question can help the interviewer learn more about your customer service skills. Think of a time you went above and beyond to help a client or patient, even if it wasn’t at your current job.

Example: “When I worked as an aesthetician in a spa, I had a client who was nervous about getting her first laser hair removal treatment. She asked me lots of questions before her appointment, and I took extra time to answer all of them so she felt comfortable going into her appointment. During her session, I made sure to explain everything we were doing so she could understand what was happening. After her appointment, she told me how much she enjoyed her experience and that she would be back for another session.”

18. What is your availability?

Employers ask this question to make sure you can work the hours they need. Before your interview, check out their website and social media pages to see when they’re open. If you have a flexible schedule, let them know that you can work any of those times. If you only work certain days or hours, be honest about what you can do.

Example: “I am available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. I also have Saturday availability from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but only if there is an opening.”

19. Do you know anything about laser hair removal?

This question is a great way to show your knowledge of the industry and how you can apply it to this role. Laser hair removal is one of LaserAway’s main services, so an employee who knows about it will be able to perform their job more efficiently.

Example: “I have worked in aesthetic medicine for five years now, and I’ve seen many different types of laser hair removal machines. The ones at LaserAway are some of the best on the market because they’re FDA-approved and very effective. They also use multiple wavelengths that target all colors of hair, which makes them even more efficient.”

20. Have you ever felt uncomfortable around needles or blood?

This question is a way for the interviewer to assess your comfort level with medical procedures. If you have no experience working in a medical setting, it’s okay to say so and explain why.

Example: “I’ve never worked in a medical setting before, but I am comfortable around needles and blood. In high school, I volunteered at a hospital where I assisted nurses during surgeries. While I was not allowed to be in the operating room, I did help prep patients for surgery and helped them recover after their procedure.”

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