Take the hassle out of at-home treatments with our essential guide to the latest beauty technology
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The summer can be an expensive time. When the sun comes out, there’s the cost of updating your wardrobe with this season’s must-haves, not to mention the price of heading out on holiday. But regardless of whether you’re hitting the beach or the back garden, chances are you’ll want to ensure your skin is silky-smooth – and it’s here women want to take back control.
Research by Braun shows that when it comes to beauty, women across the UK are seeking treatments that deliver the results they want at a fraction of the price. In fact, 48 per cent of those polled wish IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) or laser hair removal was more affordable. While you’d be forgiven for thinking these two traditionally salon-only treatments are the same as both remove hair permanently using light-producing energy, that’s where the similarity ends. For women who really want to avoid costly and time consuming salon visits, IPL is ideal for at-home beauty.
Safe and simple for DIY treatments, IPL can be used at home – unlike laser. Both produce energy that disrupts the growth cycle of each hair follicle, reducing new growth without damaging surrounding tissue. However, the main difference lies in the technology used to generate the light that targets the melanin in follicles, which gives hair its colour. IPL uses a broad range of wavelengths and a wide beam, while laser has a narrow, single wavelength beam that’s more concentrated and travels deeper into the skin.
If you want to try IPL at home, Braun’s Silk-expert 5 (£399.99) and Silk-expert 3 (£299.99) use the latest technology to safely and effectively deliver results, the SensoAdapt technology automatically reads and adapts to your skin tone with every pulse. The Silk-expert 5 boasts the fastest IPL technology available, so a leg treatment takes just eight minutes, allowing results after 12 weeks. The Silk-expert 3 delivers permanent hair removal in up to 15 weeks.
Before IPL, the treatment area should be cleanly shaved to allow the root (rather than the shaft) of the hair to absorb the light energy. The Venus & Olay razor (£10.99) combines a built-in gel bar that creates a light lather when it’s wet, allowing the razor to glide over skin, locking in moisture and preventing irritation. Gently pat the skin dry and you’re ready to go.
So how does this DIY treatment add up? With an average life of 14 years, Braun Silk-expert costs around £15 per session in comparison to roughly £8,500 for a course of six laser treatments. That means you can use the money you’ve saved to splurge on that holiday you’ve longed for this summer.
Both the Braun Silk-expert 5 and 3 are available at amazon.co.uk
For more information, go to uk.braun.com or follow @Braun_Beauty on Instagram