I'm female, 30, with a very small forehead that throws off my features. I've read that a brow lift can make your forehead bigger. I've also read about laser hair removal and electrolysis to raise the hairline. What is the best procedure to consider? I don't want to raise my eyebrows or change my brow line, but I'm not sure hair removal (since I understand it grows back between treatments) is the best option either. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Answers (4)
From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals
August 16, 2010
Answer: Raising hairline options.
Toby MayerMDBoard Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon
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April 18, 2016
Answer: Ways to Enlarge your Forhead
1 person
Edward E. Dickerson, IV, MD
August 19, 2010
Answer: Brow procedures
Steven WallachMD
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Everything you need to know about Facelift
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October 9, 2015
Answer: Raising the Hairline WITHOUT affecting the Brows
Peter A. AldeaMD