TRIA Beauty's At-Home Permanent Laser Hair Removal System - Treatment One

The TRIA Laser ($995.00) is an at-home permanent hair removal device created to mimic the laser treatments done in dermatologist offices. The story behind TRIA is to give women a way to get the benefits of light-based hair removal in the privacy of their own home. The gold standard used in dermatologist offices is a diode laser hair removal system. The scientists that invented this professional diode laser also developed the TRIA laser, which utilizes the same technology as the professional lasers you would find at your dermatologists. TRIA’s technology is miniaturized and safe for use at-home by you.

The folks at TRIA asked me if I would be interested in trying out the TRIA and chronicling my experience on the blog. My first reaction was, “REALLY?” And my second reaction was, “PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL? REALLY?” So here I am, chronicling my adventures with the TRIA Laser for all to read, and you can be sure you’ll hear how it progresses and what results I see as I go through the treatments. The basic technology behind the TRIA is a diode laser which targets the dark pigment found in the hair follicles; this energy heats up and disables the hair follicle, which in turn causes the hair to fall out. Eventually, no more hair growth!

You tell me why I would even consider a device that’s $995.00! TRIA is not designed for the girl on a budget, but it is designed for people seeking permanent hair removal, but those who cannot afford the expense of having laser treatments performed by their dermatologists. According to TRIA, women can expect to spend approximately $3,000 over the next ten years for shaving, nearly $5,000 for depilatories, $11,000 for waxing, and $14,000 for electrolysis. Despite the long-term cost-savings, it is a larger up front cost that I feel is best suited for women in the market for permanent or laser hair removal. Going to the dermatologist’s office will cost you thousands to treat your legs, arms, bikini line, and underarms–TRIA costs you much less in comparison. Waxing is also a pricey option (moreso than shaving), so those who regularly get themselves waxed might find this something to consider.

Treatment One

I’m just about at the end of my first treatment (which I did just under four weeks ago). At that time, I did my legs and underarms. I attempted my bikini line, but I hadn’t shaved immediately before, so I decided to wait until next time. I discovered my legs and underarms could withstand the highest energy level for the most part. There were a few spots on my legs that I needed to reduce the energy level to medium, because the pin-prick sensation was mildly painful. Any pain associated with the treatment was still less than waxing, though. Luckily, with three settings, you can generally find your butter zone where it’s working and you’re comfortable.

It took me about a half hour or so to do both legs, but I think I might have hurried and not been as thorough as I should have been. I’ll let you know how it long it takes for treatment two when I’m deliberately being more thorough! The TRIA does need to be recharged regularly. I wouldn’t count on doing marathon sessions of hours of the TRIA or anything, but you should be able to do your legs or your arms in one sitting. Basically, the larger the area, the longer it will take.

So far… Generally, you won’t have visible results until after your second treatment, but I can say that the hair on the back of my legs is sparser than it was before. I’ve also noticed that some of my underarm hair has grown less (like it looks patchy almost) in some areas. FYI, I shave my underarms everyday; I think the hair under there grows faster than my boyfriend’s scruff, LOL.

Get details on how to use the TRIA and where it can be used, plus a few more photos…

How-to use it: The TRIA is used every four weeks for six to eight treatments. The idea behind the four week gap is that the hair follicle cycle is about four weeks long, so each treatment should get different hairs or the ones it missed in the previous treatment.

  • Prior to using, you should shave and clean your skin–but note that you cannot wax, and if you have waxed recently, you need to wait four to six weeks for hair growth to return.
  • You will need to unlock the TRIA–this is an amazing result of technology. Lasers are only designed to work on some people, not all. It works most effectively on light skin with dark hair, because the laser targets the pigmentation found in the hair. TRIA specifically states it should not be used by those of African-American, East Indian, Native American, or Pacific Islander descent. In order for the laser to turn on, you have to first put the Skin Sensor over the body part you’re attempting to treat, which will unlock if it is safe to use on your skin tone.
  • There are three “energy” levels, which are kind of like three levels of intensity. Generally speaking, the highest is the most effective, but some might find pain associated with it and need to reduce the intensity (more on this later).
  • Apply the laser tip to the area, and you’ll hear a short beep once the pulse is complete. You overlap the area by mere millimeters, so you end up with about 25 beeps per square inch. Each pulse is just a few seconds (maybe even less), so each pulse itself isn’t lengthy, but the entire process may take longer.

So where can it be used? It can be used on legs, bikini ilne, underarms, arms, back, chest, and abdomen. It is not to be used anywhere above the neck (aka face), around the eyes, nipples, anus, or genitals.

Stay tuned for treatment two!

Skin Sensor

Skin Sensor

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