Trends in the Laser Hair Removal Machine

The developments of laser hair removal have seen new products in the market, with considerations being made to ensure new and innovative designs are incorporated in the industry.

The laser hair removal machine works by using targeted laser beams on hair follicles which absorb the melanin pigment and destroys the hair from its root. The hair follicles appear finer and less visible over time.

Laser hair removal is a sure and safest bet in preventing hair growth, and the results are short of astounding. With the prevalence of laser hair removal machines in the market, the market growth is rising steadily, with a CAGR of 15.2% by 2027.

Home-based laser hair removal kits are customized with already set configurations that enable safe and straightforward ease of use by the consumer. For instance, manufacturers customize specific wavelengths, which allow a much safer heat transmission that prevents skin hyperpigmentation or abrasion.

Miniature devices that offer more vital heat treatments due to their added light waves are also being considered. To maximize home-based laser machines, this increased wavelength will increase the devices’ speed while ensuring more effective treatment procedures.

Home-based treatments versus clinic treatments

With FDA approval of laser hair removal machines, manufacturers have increased production of devices in the market, prompting more and more consumers to purchase them and prefer them to clinic treatments.

The laser hair removal machines are also comparatively cheaper than laser hair treatments, thus spiraling their popularity. With many individuals purchasing at-home laser hair removal machines, the need to consider both treatments’ differences and similarities are vital.

For instance, home-based laser hair machines use Intense Pulsed light as opposed to lasers. This light is characterized by many multiple wavelengths scattered all over the skin, giving a broad spectrum of treatment after repeated usage.

A home-based laser hair device can save time and money as compared to treatments done in the clinic. This is because it is done in your home’s comfort without the hassle of going to book an appointment and showing up for the recommended sessions.

In-clinic treatments cost an average of $287 per session, depending on the clinic and the location. Bearing in mind that complete treatments require multiple sessions, this cost is bound to rise by the end of the entire treatment.

However, clinic-based laser hair removal treatments are generally more efficient and effective than home-based laser devices. This difference is brought about by the machine’s energy levels, as the physician will use actual lasers to target the growing hair follicles. This provides a more in-depth scope of treatment and professional follow-up after each session.

What to look out for

There are several factors to look out for when looking to purchase a laser hair removal machine:

  • Type of lightwave: Most laser hair removal machines come with the Intense Pulsed Light technology. However, new, improved appliances are coming up with laser devices that offer a broader approach.
  • Configuration modules: As much as most laser hair removal machines come with already set configurations, it is best to ensure that you check and confirm the recommended wavelength, the light sensitivity settings, and speed levels to prevent abrasion or hyperpigmentation.
  • Type of laser machine: Different machines in the market have different specifications. Some are cordless, enabling easy use, while others have an in-built skin tone sensor that automatically adjusts when placed on the skin. Others are for use in only sensitive areas. Understanding your needs and preferences will guide you better in choosing a device specially designed for you.
  • Directions of use: The hype and excitement surrounding home-based laser hair removal devices may mask the need to confirm the machines’ proper usage. It is prudent to conduct due diligence in understanding the dos and don’ts of operating the machine in a safe and precise manner.
  • Skincare: Taking proper care of the skin before and after the procedure goes a long way in enhancing your treatment. Be sure to apply sunscreen and avoiding direct sunlight before or after treatment to get the best results. It is also not advisable to wax or shave before the laser hair treatment procedure. Doing so may irritate the skin and make it prone to abrasion.

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