Tips to get rid of underarm odor

2024-07-29 06:00:26

Good hygiene, appropriate clothing, and specific products can help you relieve body odor. By taking a few simple steps, you can prevent underarm sweat from becoming a problem.

latest update: July 29, 2024

Armpit odor is quite common Can affect personal confidence and comfort. Although this is a natural condition, many people find it affects their daily lives.

Body odor occurs when bacteria on the skin break down proteins in sweat. Factors such as exercise, hygiene, heat, hormonal changes, diet and stress can all affect the intensity and longevity of this scent.

This problem can be frustrating and difficult to eliminate. So, here are some tips to help you get rid of odor so you feel fresher, more comfortable, and safer.

1. Underarm odor: maintain good hygiene

Keeping your armpits clean is an easy way to eliminate odor. Use to cleanse this area of ​​the body Soap and water, at least twice a day, Eliminates bacteria and accumulated sweat.

Additionally, taking a daily bath helps keep your skin clean and free of impurities. Increase frequency during hot weather or after exercise. Shower after every exercise to prevent bacterial growth.

choose Soap Or a body wash that suits your skin type. Prefer neutral or antibacterial ones, which will effectively eliminate bacteria without causing irritation. Instead, try to avoid products with strong scents, as they can make bad odors worse.

2. Control the hair in the area

Waxing, shaving or trimming armpit hair can help reduce odor. Although the bristles themselves do not produce odor, They absorb moisture and create an environment conducive to bacterial growth.

Removing hair from the area or cutting it short can help you sweat less and make deodorant more effective.

One thing to remember about laser hair removal May cause armpit odor as a side effect. However, this result is not universal and varies from person to person. In fact, other studies show that this type of hair removal can alter the skin’s microbial flora and, in some cases, Improve sweat odor. Further research is needed to better understand these effects.

If you decide to opt for laser hair removal, It is important that it is carried out in a specialized center and by trained professionals. This minimizes risk and ensures that appropriate practices are followed to mitigate any potential negative impacts.

3. Apply deodorant

Using deodorant or antiperspirant can help Keep your underarms fresh and odor-free. You can choose from different products based on your specific needs and preferences:

Deodorant. Mask unpleasant odors with fresh scents to help neutralize body odor. In addition, some contain alcohol, which creates an acidic environment on the skin and inhibits the growth of bacteria.Antiperspirant. It’s formulated to reduce sweating. It contains ingredients that temporarily block sweat ducts, helping to keep underarms dry and fresh longer.Natural deodorant. This is a gentler option that does not contain potentially harmful chemicals. They contain no aluminum, parabens or phthalates. Great if you have sensitive skin or react to other products.

Be sure to read labels carefully and choose the option that best suits your skin and lifestyle. You can choose to use deodorant and antiperspirant separately, or look for products that combine both functions into one.

Apply these products to clean, dry skin to maximize their effectiveness.

4. Armpit odor: wear appropriate, clean clothes

Choose to wear Clothes made of cotton, linen, or bamboo for better ventilation. These natural, lightweight, breathable fibers absorb sweat better than synthetic fibers like polyester. Also avoid wearing very tight, dark clothing, which can trap sweat and compound the problem.

There are a lot of clothes today receive special treatment to increase ventilation and control odors. As sweat evaporates, the humidity decreases for bacteria to thrive, reducing unpleasant odors. You can choose such items when you are doing sports or strenuous activities.

on the other hand, It is important to do laundry regularly. Especially the T-shirts and underwear you wear to the gym. Direct contact with skin and sweat can accumulate unpleasant odors on clothing.

5. Eat healthily

certain foods After being absorbed by the body, it will aggravate body odor. and secreted by sweat. To minimize these effects, please reduce your consumption of the following products:

Caffeine Red meat Garlic and onions Hot spices Fish like tuna and salmon Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower

On the other hand, fresh fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and antioxidants, Helps purify the body and reduce body odor. Add apples, grapes, carrots and spinach for a healthy diet.

6. There is a peculiar smell in the armpits: moisturize properly

Dry skin may be more likely to occur Issues such as irritation and dermatitis can make body odor worse. Proper hydration will help you maintain healthy armpits.

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help keep the skin under your arms hydrated. Additionally, using a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer after bathing can prevent dryness and irritation.

7. Manage stress

Certain stressful situations can cause excessive sweating and unpleasant odor in your armpits. When the brain senses a threat and initiates a fight or flight response, The sympathetic nervous system increases heartbeat, body temperature, and often body odor.

To counteract these effects, you must employ effective techniques to manage stress. Listening to relaxing music, focusing on your breathing, meditating, consciously relaxing your muscles, or acknowledging your feelings can help you calm down and avoid the negative effects of anxiety.

8. Try home remedies

In addition to the above measures, There are some natural remedies you can use to get rid of underarm odor. Here are some that may interest you:

baking soda. It is a natural odor neutralizer. Apply a small amount to clean, dry underarms.citron. Lemon juice has antibacterial properties. Rub a slice of lemon onto your armpits, wait a few minutes, and then rinse.Apple cider vinegar. Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to your armpits to fight bacteria.

Using cheap and easily available products, you can create a natural deodorant to get rid of unpleasant underarm odor. in all situations, You should use them with care and caution. Discontinue use if you notice your skin becomes irritated or itchy.

Possible causes of armpit odor

If you’re wondering what exactly causes armpit odor, know that even if you don’t like it, This is a natural physiological process. Our bodies are covered with sweat glands, which regulate body temperature through perspiration. When sweat comes into contact with bacteria on your skin, it produces volatile compounds that give off an unpleasant odor.

However, There is increased armpit sweating and bad odor, especially:

Stress, overheating, exercise and exercise, poor hygiene, hormonal changes, tight-fitting or synthetic clothing, eating spicy foods or foods with strong odors

Additionally, some people may sweat excessively and suffer from a health problem called hyperhidrosis. They may also sweat An odor that is too strong in unexpected circumstances and suffer from it vixhidrosis.

Body odor is often more noticeable after puberty due to the activation of certain sweat glands. Women and teenagers are more likely to experience hormonal changes that can lead to bad odor.

Armpit odor: If problem persists, talk to your doctor

If you still have a bad armpit odor despite following the recommendations, it’s best to consult a doctor or dermatologist. Excessive sweating and body odor affect daily life May indicate an underlying condition, such as armpit odor or other medical issues Special treatment is required.

It’s important to see your doctor if you experience night sweats, a sudden increase in sweating, cold sweats, or unusual changes in body odor (such as a fruity or bleach smell). These may be signs of more serious conditions such as diabetes, liver problems, or kidney disease.

For severe cases of body odor, treatment may include aluminum cream, antibiotics, laser surgery, minor surgery, liposuction of the glands, or Botox injections. Go to the doctor to clear your doubts will help you solve this problem safely and effectively.

Odor is controlled

most of the time, Underarm odor can be controlled through simple hygiene habits. The key is to stay consistent and focus on what your body needs to feel fresh all day long.

#Tips #rid #underarm #odor

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