Tattoo Specialists Are Giving People A Fresh Start

No action or contribution is too small when it comes to making the world a better place.

Whether it’s donating your used clothes or spending a few hours a month in a soup kitchen, you truly are making a difference. Lately, tattoo artists and tattoo removal technicians have been donating their time for the greater good, changing the lives of people one tattoo cover up or removal at a time. Their actions have been recognized in the media, inspiring others to do whatever they can to make a difference as well. Here are some of the most noteworthy actions:

Inmates Receive Free Laser Tattoo Removal

Often those who end up in prison change drastically during their time spent in confinement, coming out as completely different people. It’s hard enough for those with a criminal record to get a job after they’re released, and having any visible drug or gang related tattoos makes it that much harder. That’s why the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department created a program so that inmates could receive laser tattoo removal treatments as part of their Inmate Welfare Fund, which handles the health, educational, and welfare needs of the prisoners. Since laser tattoo removal often takes a minimum of six months for complete removal, having these treatments available to them while they’re still serving their sentence is completely life changing. Having these offensive tattoos removed will make the difference between being unemployable upon release and getting a job and a steady paycheck. The best part about this program is that it’s funded by things like the inmate vending machines, the barber shop, and the sale of crafts, making it completely free for prisoners.

Survivors Turn Cancer Into Art

Breast cancer can be painful both physically as well as emotionally, as women often feel like they’ve lost a part of themselves after a mastectomy, which removes all breast tissue including the nipples. David Allen originally refused to tattoo a woman who’d just finished recovering as he was afraid her skin wouldn’t be able to handle his needle work. The woman didn’t give up though, and was on his case for six months before the Chicago tattoo artist finally caved. He has since created some of his most beautiful artwork on women’s chests and is most known for his depictions of plants and flowers. The trend has since taken over, and dozens of breast cancer survivors have since sought out his artistry.

Juveniles Get Another Chance

In Denver, Colorado a man named Jesus Bujando felt there was a need within his community for a cheap and mobile laser tattoo removal option to help ex-gang members get a fresh start. He was inspired by his nephew, who was released from prison still stuck with his gang related ink. Working out of the back of a renovated ambulance, Bujando works with juvenile centers to ensure that these kids are tattoo-free by the time they’ve completed their sentence. Unlike his nephew, who had a hard time finding work with his visible tattoos, these kids will truly be able to start over when they’re released. Their offensive ink won’t prevent them from living a regular life or drive them toward more drastic tattoo removal methods that often do more harm than good. More often than not, when kids and even adults aren’t able to find work when they leave jail or prison, they end up being locked up again in a short period of time. Bujando’s service, called TattooEmergency911, has also been able to help juveniles outside of prisons and adults in transitional housing.

Artist Covers Racist Ink

With so much hatred in the world today, it’s easy for young people to get sucked into these racist groups. Often when teenagers are influenced by this kind of mindset, they end up getting racist and hateful words or images tattooed on their body. We all have made dumb decisions when we were younger, and unfortunately tattoos tend to stick around for a while. Southside Tattoo in Brooklyn Park, Maryland has single-handedly changed the lives of dozens by creating an initiative for those with racist and gang-related tattoos to finally get them covered up. All cover-ups are free, no matter how large or intricate the coverup needs to be, so there are no excuses for not getting it done! It’s the ideal solution for those not looking to completely get rid of their ink.

However, if you’re completely sick of your ink–whether the content is hateful or not–laser tattoo removal is likely the best option for you. Stop wasting your time and money buying clothes or makeup to cover up your tattoos and simply start your laser tattoo removal treatments. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be tattoo-free and able to wear anything you want!

This video follows style blogger, Jessica Graham, go through one of her laser tattoo removal sessions to get rid of an embarrassing tattoo that she got when she was just eighteen. If you have any concerns about the process, gaining this insight into her experience and an inside look at her treatment will surely calm your mind!

While laser tattoo removal is a common practice, not all laser clinics are alike and can be trusted with your treatment. It’s important to research who will be performing your sessions and determine whether or not they are qualified. It is for this reason that we, at Body Details True Laser Hair and Tattoo Removal, can guarantee the best results by only hiring licensed medical professionals who are trained to use our equipment. Along with our technicians, our lasers are top of the line, providing our clients with optimal results, so we have no problem offering them a laser hair removal lifetime guarantee of our work.

Sound good? Call us at 866-708-8645 to make an appointment for your free consultation today. All of our laser clinics are in the South Florida area, with convenient night and weekend hours that satisfy even our busiest clients, so don’t hesitate to start your laser tattoo removal treatments today!

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