Tame Your Acne Before Spring and Summer

With spring and summer come warmer temperatures, outdoor activities, and a combination of sweat, skin oils, and bacteria – the perfect storm for acne breakouts. If this sounds like you, then you’re probably trying to find a solution before spring and summer peak. Dermacare of Hampton Roads has a combo to tame your acne that you cannot afford to ignore.

The Multipronged Approach

One of the biggest problems with “run of the mill” acne treatments is that they are “run of the mill.” So many over-the-counter products and cookie cutter regimens fail to take into consideration what is causing your acne. Why? Because these types of “solutions” aren’t made especially for YOU. Instead, they are made to be mass produced and sold. While they may work for some and deliver limited results for others, they are a waste of time and money for thousands of people just like you.

Have you tried over-the-counter products and many skin regimens with little to no success? Maybe you haven’t done anything to curb your acne just yet. Either way, you are a perfect fit for the MedSpa acne approach or multipronged approach. Our acne specialists will work to understand what is causing your acne before establishing a treatment plan, but we don’t stop there. We monitor your results and adjust as needed to help you achieve maximum results.

BBL Treatments + Products

Our recipe for success is different for every patient, but we have found a combo to tame acne that works for many: BBL treatments + select products.

BBL treatments use Broad Band Light technology. This tech is highly successful in treating inflammatory and cystic acne and often outperforms alternative and oral medications including long-term antibiotics. BBL works by applying short wavelengths of blue-light spectrum light to the skin, which attacks p.acne bacteria on the skin’s surface and in the sebaceous gland. A second step with a red-light filter then helps reduce redness and deeper acne lesions. Lastly, the SkinTyte settings are used to reduce sebaceous gland activity or oil production.

Reducing acne breakouts and the appearance of acne scars demands the use of excellent skincare products. At Dermacare of Hampton Roads, we use Image and SkinMedica, which are medical-grade product lines. We recommend products based on individual assessments, suspected acne causes, and your unique lifestyle.

Treatment Options Don’t Stop At BBL

We also work with a wide range of result-producing acne treatment options, including:

  • Acne BLU-U® Light Treatment: One of the latest BBL technologies for treating mild to moderate recurrent acne.
  • Sciton BBLs Acne Treatment: A BBL treatment that can be fine-tuned for nearly any skin type.
  • Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser: A powerful and highly customizable laser that assists in reducing scars, enlarged pores, and discoloration.
  • Laser Genesis®: An excellent treatment for reducing acne scarring.
  • SkinPen Microneedling: A state-of-the-art system for reducing the most persistent acne scars.

We also work with aesthetic treatment options that include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and deep cleansing facials.

It’s time to tame your acne with Hampton Roads acne treatments! Let our team of experts pinpoint the probable cause of your acne and devise a treatment program especially for you. It all starts with a free consultation. Contact us today!

Written By Leon Garber, CEO

Leon is a graduate of SUNY Maritime College with a B.S. in Marine Transportation. He is a member of the National Eagle Scout Association, the American MedSpa Association and the International Business Brokers Association.

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