Sorority sisters file lawsuit to remove male member

Attorneys presented evidence that Artemis Langford is still interested in women

Members of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority at the University of Wyoming filed a lawsuit against the national organization, as well as other individuals involved, for admitting a male who identifies as a transgender woman into the sorority.

The lawsuit alleged that the national Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority has ignored its own charter and bylaws by allowing a male named Artemis Langford to enter the all-female sorority at the University of Wyoming. The sorority requires members to be women.

Most recently, a judge ruled not to grant the plaintiffs anonymity. The ruling also noted the heightened requirements of anonymity because of the interest of the public in the case.

Most of the plaintiffs, choosing to continue the lawsuit, revealed their names as Jaylyn Westenbroek, Hannah Holtmeier, Allison Coghan, Grace Choate, Madeline Ramar and Megan Kosar, according to an amended filing.

The plaintiffs want damages from the national sorority and they want Langford (pictured), whom the lawsuit calls “Mr. Smith” to be removed.

Attorneys for the sorority members have not responded to requests for comment from The College Fix sent in the past week and a half. The Fix could not find an email address for Langford but attempted to contact him through the student newspaper, The Branding Iron, where he works, but was unsuccessful.

The Fix reached out to the Kappa Kappa Gamma national organization for comment on the lawsuit, but it has not responded in the past week. The Fix could not locate updated contact information for the University of Wyoming sorority and a request for that information from the Greek Life office was unsuccessful.

The lawsuit, brought on behalf of seven sorority members, noted that the national sorority has previously stated that “single-sex sororities are a traditional source of stability and community in college life for young women.”

However, this has been disrupted by the presence of a biological male student.

MORE: U. Wyoming punishes activist for calling Langford a male

The defendants, according to the lawsuit, “have unilaterally concluded a man can become a Kappa member if he claims to have the subjective belief he is a woman. This conclusion disregards biology, Kappa’s 150-year history, and Kappa’s purpose, mission, and bylaws.”

Furthermore, the sorority violated its own rules when it came to voting in members, the lawsuit alleged.

“Under the Standing Rules, all chapter members must vote on whether to admit a new member, unless a chapter member is excused from voting, in writing, by the chapter’s alumnae adviser,” the lawsuit stated.

However, when it came time to vote on Langford’s application, some members were not permitted to vote and were not excused in writing by the alumnae adviser. Additionally, another rule in admittance was allegedly violated because the sorority requires members to use a secret ballot, specifically the app “Omega Recruit.”

When the vote occurred, it was conducted on a Google Poll, which did not require an email address. At least one witness said she changed her vote when the second Google Poll went out, which required an email address, thus eliminating anonymity. Other members were allegedly pressured to vote in Langford by accusations of transphobia.

The lawsuit also alleged another plaintiff was brought before a disciplinary hearing with the University of Wyoming chapter to “educate” her. She was threatened with further discipline if she “did not agree that Mr. Smith is a woman or questioned whether his vote complied with the Sorority’s rules.”

The lawsuit further notes that even Langford has yet to legally declare himself a woman.

For example, he chose “male” in 2020 when he obtained a Washington driver’s license, even though he could have selected “female” or “x.” As of 2023, his license still lists his gender as “male.” He has also not “undergone treatments to create a more feminine appearance, such as female hormones, feminization surgery, or laser hair removal.”

“Some Plaintiffs sought to live in Kappa’s single-sex environment because of religious or moral beliefs that young, unmarried women should not live with young, unmarried men,” the lawsuit stated.

Importantly, the plaintiffs “also include a victim of sexual assault who wanted a safe place to interact with other college students without the presence of men.”

Furthermore, evidence obtained and observed indicates he is interested in women, which further undermines the benefits of single-sex living in the sorority house, the lawsuit argues. Langford has a Tinder profile that indicates he has a romantic interest in women.

The lawsuit notes that while Langford does not live in the Kappa house, he spends time there frequently in women-only areas, watching the women as they walk into the bathroom with only a towel on or staring at other women silently.

The lawsuit also claims that he takes pictures of the women without their knowledge or consent in the sorority house, noting more instances of inappropriate behavior.

At an official sleepover event before initiation, “Mr. Smith repeatedly questioned the women about what vaginas look like, breast cup size, whether some women were considering breast reductions, and birth control.”

“[Langford] talked about his virginity and at what age it would be appropriate for someone to have sex. [Langford] also talked about kissing a girl,” according to the lawsuit.

“Sorority officials falsely stated that the sorority house was no different than a co-ed dorm at the University of Wyoming,” the lawsuit stated. “When Plaintiffs and their parents pointed out that the sorority house does not have locked bathroom facilities, the Sorority officials were dismissive.”

Officials indicated that if the plaintiffs were uncomfortable then they should quit the sorority.

Housing contracts for the next year were due mid-February, but currently “only ten of the more than 40 chapter members have returned a signed contract. This dramatic decline is because of the lack of privacy in the sorority house, and Mr. Smith’s access to all areas within.”

The lawsuit notes the significant effects this will have on the chapter as it has made the house financially unstable and will force it to close—and with it, the entire Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter.

MORE: Transgender student rejected from every sorority at University of Alabama

IMAGE: Houlihan Narratives/Facebook

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