My mother instilled in me from a young age that waxing is the only option when it comes to hair removal – but despite being a regular, I still dread getting a Brazilian wax, putting it off only until it’s really necessary. Having squirmed, screamed and sweated my way across Hong Kong’s top beauticians, I was intrigued to learn more about Nu Waxing Workshop’s ‘Ouchless Brazillian’ – could they really make this excruciating necessity pleasant? Had I finally found someone who wasn’t going to make me howl every time?
Sceptical, I headed to Nu Waxing, which is located on the top floor of a plush building on Queen’s Road Central. The space is perfectly calm (just what mamas need!), incredibly clean and very simple – in the best possible way.
Joey, my therapist, led me into the treatment room, which was dimly lit with a microscopic light next to the bed. After the usual instructions, Joy returned ready to try and prove to me that the Nu Waxing Brazilian really was painless…
A girlfriend once told me that she fell asleep during her Brazilian treatment; meanwhile, I normally take two Panadol an hour beforehand and spend the next 40 or so minutes reading gossip magazines whilst wincing and fidgeting at every movement. A few minutes into my treatment at Nu and I noticed how much wax Joy was using, covering the majority of the area. There were no magazines here, so we engaged in the normal chit chat – what you do, how long you’ve been in Hong Kong (FYI Joy has been at Nu Waxing for six years and is a waxing specialist). The conversation continued, with Joy asking me about my waxing routine, shower gel and ingrowing hairs.
“Right Charlotte, please turn over.”
Hang on?! Within 15 or so minutes during our conversation, Joy had removed everything and I hadn’t winced once. There was a point where I felt a bit of an “Ooooh”, but it was nothing compared to the pain I have previously endured during Brazilian waxes and I didn’t feel at all exposed, sensitive or uncomfortable.
Joy finished her job with speed and precision, whereupon we began talking about my legs – mine are scarred from ingrowing hairs, years of waxing and a terrible habit of picking (which Joy noticed!). Over the past few years, they have become worse and I don’t know why – I never shave, I always wax (OK, sometimes I epilate) – but there’s something not quite right. Joy ran through a couple of reasons why this might be (all of which seemed to make sense), and suggested that if I booked three consecutive sessions with her, listened to what she says and followed her rules, my legs would look brand new. Normally, I would be sceptical, but given that the woman had just performed an impressively pain-free Brazilian, I immediately locked in a leg wax with her the very next week!
Here are a couple of Joy’s top tips:
- Shower gel: the shower gels you use can affect your sensitivity during waxing. Heavy cream-based products such as Dove make your skin greasy and result in the wax sticking to the area – making it much more painful to remove during the waxing process.
- Time of the month: avoid having a wax seven days before and after your period – you are much more sensitive. The same applies for when you are sick, jetlagged or tired.
- Stick to the same therapist: when you find someone you like, stay with them!
I have now told every female friend about Nu Waxing’s ‘Ouchless Brazilian’ and I will absolutely be going back, making an effort to see the same therapist on a regular basis. I’ll keep you posted with how my legs go and I’m very interested to see the outcome!
A Brazilian Wax costs $530 (or $510 for a Hollywood Wax); first time customers receive a 50% discount on waxing services
Nu Waxing workshop 23/F, Hing Wai Building, 36 Queen’s Road, Central (Above COACH), Hong Kong 2869 9680