Laser Hair Removal: How Much Does Laser Treatment Cost In 2023?

Everything you wanted to know about laser hair removal price and then some. Shaving and waxing can be painful. Worse, they can be a chore. Enter laser hair removal ...

Laser Hair Removal: How Much Does Laser Treatment Cost In 2023?

Everything you wanted to know about

laser hair removal

_price_ and then some.

Shaving and waxing can be painful. Worse, they can be a chore. Enter laser hair removal treatment that offers a more long-term solution.

To be sure, if you’d rather prefer to sport your body hair as a badge of honour, that’s cool too. But if you’re looking to defuzz, know that it needn’t be a permanent task on your monthly (or weekly) to-do list.

Laser hair removal benefits

The most obvious benefit of laser hair treatment is the lasting results it offers. This means, no more recurring appointment with the neighbourhood parlour aunty whose intrusive personal questions you cannot stand.

There’s also the matter of the amount of time you save on your regular shaving/waxing routine — whether at a parlour or at home. Contrary to what you may believe, laser hair removal sessions don’t last very long. Underarms and upper lip hair removal sessions last no more than 25 minutes or so.

And then there is the freedom it offers you. Think of every single time you’ve looked at your wardrobe and wanted to wear a dress but couldn’t because you missed your last waxing appointment or you simply haven’t had the time to shave.

We’ve all been there. And we’ve wondered if perhaps, just perhaps, there was a more permanent way to get rid of body hair.

What is laser hair removal?

Once a treatment that was prohibitive and inaccessible to most, laser hair removal has today emerged as an effective and convenient alternative to shaving and waxing.

Laser hair removal is a process that uses pulses of laser lights to eradicate the hair follicle resulting in (more or less) permanent hair removal. Laser treatment is different from regular shaving and waxing because unlike the latter two, the laser heats up and burns the follicle, so it doesn’t grow back.

It is a myth that laser hair removal will result in 100 per cent hair-free skin. Hair growth depends on a variety of factors and any hormonal changes could result in your hair growing back. So, you could likely require top-up treatments. However, it is safe to say that you can experience up to 90 per cent permanent hair growth reduction after your sessions.

What is the cost of laser hair removal?

The cost of hair removal can vary depending on the body area and the location as well as how many sessions you’ll need. Suffice to say, laser hair removal cost can range between ₹999 and ₹49,599

If you’ve never undergone laser hair removal treatment and are unsure of what it will do to your skin, are worried about side-effects, or simply want to dip your feet in the water before you decide, you could simply start with a single trial session of laser hair removal for underarms.

Laser treatment cost for underarms

The underarms are a great place to experiment with laser hair treatment because they’re hidden away from plain sight on most occasions. The cost of laser hair removal for underarms is not very high either. <embed PDP>

This 25-minute session of laser hair removal for underarms will cost you ₹999 and is a great introduction to laser hair treatment.

The number of laser hair removal sessions for underarms required will vary depending on the hair growth. The cost of three sessions of laser hair removal for underarms starts at ₹2,899.

The cost of six sessions of laser hair removal for underarms starts at ₹5,099.

Cost of laser hair removal for chin

Chin is yet another body part, where you could potentially try out laser hair treatment. It is a small enough area, so laser hair removal price for chin isn’t terribly high. And, the session itself lasts just 15 minutes.

The cost of laser hair removal varies depending on what body part you are treating and how many sessions it will require to completely get rid of hair there. Typically, we recommend three to six sessions and avoiding large gaps between them, for best results.

While laser treatment costs can go as high as ₹49,599 for the entire body for six sessions, you need not burn that big a hole in your pocket. There are EMI payment options, of course, but you can also opt for combo packages.

So, for instance, if you’re heading down to the beach and don’t want to spend all your savings on a full-body laser hair removal package, you could simply opt for the

Ultimate Intimate Care Package


Ultimate intimate care package

This combo package covers the cost of laser hair treatment for the underarms and bikini line.

The laser hair removal price for three sessions for underarms and bikini is ₹12,199

The laser hair removal price for three sessions for underarms and bikini line is ₹18,199

Will I experience pain during my laser treatment?

There will be some amount of discomfort during the procedure but how much pain you will experience depends upon your threshold. But if you’ve been through waxing, laser hair removal shouldn’t hurt you too much. Imagine a rubber band being snapped on your skin.

But make no mistake, laser hair removal causes the pigment in the hair bulb to heat up before it is burnt. So, you are bound to feel some amount of discomfort, which won’t be dissimilar to a sunburn when you’ve stayed out at the beach for far too long. But unlike a sunburn, laser hair treatment won’t leave any burn marks or dark spots. It shouldn’t. The best way to treat it is by requesting your therapist to apply aloe vera gel to soothe your skin after you’re done. If you’re apprehensive about starting out with laser hair treatment in intimate areas, you could also consider customising our offerings.

Make your own laser hair removal packages

If you’re apprehensive of getting treatment for specific body parts you could also make your own laser hair removal packages.

The laser treatment cost for three sessions starts at ₹2,899

The laser treatment cost for six sessions starts at ₹5,099

Being apprehensive about laser treatment is justified, especially, since it will leave lasting results. You’re unsure of what happens when the laser touches your skin and what it means for your body. Of course, these are valid concerns but rest assured, under certified supervision, laser hair removal is a perfectly safe and effective treatment.

To clear your doubts, you can book an online video consultation – open only for women at the moment – with our skin consultant.

For a one-time fee of ₹99, a designated doctor will assess your skin via a

UC app

call to determine the appropriate laser settings for the laser machine. And, following your laser session, the doctor will also share a prescription for post-session recovery of your skin.

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