There are many types of tanning products on the market, from tanning lotions to tanning beds and spray tans. The tanning trend has really taken off in the UK. Since a lot of people are afraid to lie out in the sun—due to chances of getting burnt—they prefer sunless options.
When it comes to tanning booths, there are two kinds available, stand-up booths and lying down ones. What’s the difference between the two?
Intensity of your tan
Stand-up booths are capable of giving you a deeper tan. The bulbs used in them give off stronger rays compared to a tanning bed. The higher intensity of the UV rays increases melanin production which results in a darker complexion. For those who want more than just a “sun-kissed” look, stand-up booths are better.
For those who want their tanning experience to be relaxing, a lay-down tanning bed is ideal. You can achieve a golden tan while you rest.
When getting a lay-down tan done, there is a possibility of white patches appearing on the skin. The main reason this happens is that there is reduced melanin production in the pressure points. To avoid these patches, clients need to change positions.
In stand-up booths, you need to stand in a particular position with your hands over your head. In order to get an even tan, clients need to stand in this particular position for a while. The stand-up booth, therefore, isn’t the most comfortable option
Since the UV rays in stand-up booths are stronger, you can get a quicker tan. 10 to 15 minutes in a stand-up booth can give you a deep tan. Lay-down tanning beds, on the other hand, require almost double the time. It takes around 20 minutes in a tanning bed to achieve the same results.
A tanning booth provides clients with more space in comparison to lay-down ones. This minute detail is not so minute for people who suffer from claustrophobia. For those who don’t do well in smaller places, a stand-up booth is ideal.
Benefits of Indoor Tanning
Using tanning beds is beneficial in many ways:
- A healthy dose of Vitamin D: Sunbeds were initially designed for medical use. Conditions like lupus vulgaris were treated with the help of this equipment. Sunbeds are now primarily used for tanning purposes. They are an excellent way to get some Vitamin D in your system during the winter months. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and for the prevention of osteoporosis.
- They boost your metabolism: Studies show that sunlight is a vital component of good human metabolism. The Daily Mail UKstates that exposure to UV rays from the sun causes the release of nitric oxide in the body. This nitric acid is used to boost metabolism. They also have positive results on conditions like diabetes and obesity.
- Boosts confidence: Many clients come in for a tan because it makes them feel more attractive. Researchalso shows that the UV Light makes clients more relaxed and can relieve tension.
Visit Simply Clinics to get the perfect tan! We also provide services like laser hair removal and chemical peels in Uxbridge. Call 020 8352 3523 for more information or to book an appointment.