Spring is finally here and in no time, it will be summer! Our skin will finally get a break from the cold air and enjoy some sunshine. Many people find that shifting skincare routines between the seasons can make all the difference for the health, feel and appearance of their skin.The dry and winter months often call for a bit more heavy-duty products that are focused on hydration, and when it comes to the springtime it can be ok to lighten things up and perhaps some more targeted products for specific skincare needs, such as high-quality KY laser hair removal with ONLY NURSES performing treatments. Summertime skin protection is important, and along with sunscreen and pore cleanser, you’ll want to explore Dermal Repair Complex and water-based moisturizers.
Here are some of the ways that you can prepare your skin for summer:
1. Exfoliate your skin
While exfoliating may be too much during the winter season for skin sensitivity, spring is a great time to incorporate an exfoliating treatment to remove dead skin cells and increase cell turnover since it isn’t so stressed from the cold and dry weather. You can use a chemical exfoliant or a gentle physical one depending on what your skin can tolerate to reveal vibrant skin underneath. This will also help other products absorb better.
2. Clean out your pores
Give your skin a refresh along with the spring season by cleaning out your pores. Dirt, sebum and dead skin cells can easily clog pores causing breakouts, black heads and other imperfections. You can do a professional treatment, or opt for a gentle yet effective at-home mask, like the silica mud mask from the Blue Lagoon skincare products line.
3. Amp up your sunscreen
While sunscreen is a year-round product, you want to amp up your sunscreen application come spring when the sun is more consistent as well as stronger. Opt for a higher SPF factor and be sure to reapply throughout the day.
4. Use a lighter moisturizer
A lighter water-based moisturizer will soak into your skin and give your skin enough moisture, but not overload it like the moisturizer you used during winter might. Just prepared for it to perhaps take some trial and error to find the right moisturizer for the season, and perhaps even a couple different ones depending on weather and your skin’s needs. You can also try incorporating different products such as serums on different days or perhaps applying your moisturizer while your skin is still damp to help it absorb even better
5. Increase your water intake for plump hydrated skin
No matter how much you are giving your boost your skin from the outside, if you aren’t hydrated enough you won’t achieve the best results you have the potential to. So increase your water intake for plump hydrated skin, and remember to adjust your water intake depending on how many caffeinated beverages you are having for example. There is such thing as being too hydrated, so speak with your doctor as needed to discuss how much water you should be drinking as necessary.
If you want to give your skin an extra boost and look sun kissed, but you want to avoid actual tanning you can always use a self-tanner! This gives you the appearance and glow of it all, but protects your skin from the sun damage.