Ditched My Razor: My Laser Hair Removal Experience

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Ditched My Razor: My Laser Hair Removal Experience 1

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

I love the feeling of slipping into silky sheets after being freshly shaved and moisturized. Normally though, this is followed by razor burn, ingrown hairs and of course stubble within a few days. The next best option? Laser hair removal. Though still a controversial topic, a laser hair removal treatment was the perfect decision for me. This decision was purely based on personal preference and my own opinion on hygiene. I personally feel the cleanest without hair on my arms and legs and I made this decision for myself alone. Outlined below is my experience alone and based on it, I believe laser hair removal is a great alternative to shaving and waxing.

Why I Decided to do it

I have always had thick body hair. Growing up it never really bothered me and I was always comfortable and confident with or without body hair. In terms of cleanliness though, I slowly started becoming more and more annoyed just by looking at or feeling it on me. I was looking for an alternative to shaving because it was incredibly time-consuming and waxing often left me feeling itchy, until I found laser hair removal. The very first time I got a laser was in November of 2021 for my underarms. It is a fast and only slightly painful process that can be done in most areas of the body. This includes common areas like underarms, legs, bikini and arms and it is even offered in areas such as the back, neck and chest.

Finding a Technician and Treatment Costs

When looking into getting laser hair removal treatment, the first thing I would recommend is looking for a good technician. Not only should this individual be appropriately certified, but they also need to create a comfortable and open environment. I found a great technician with a good repertoire who provided me with all the necessary information before a session and made me feel calm throughout the process. Another vital aspect is price. Pricing can vary according to what area is being treated, how many sessions are included in the package and what clinic is chosen for the treatments. The clinic I chose offers seasonal discounts and includes six sessions per treatment area.

Preparing for a Session

It is common practice to not wax, tweeze, tan or use skincare products like deodorants or moisturizers before an appointment. My technician also specified a few requirements before attending a session. This entailed shaving approximately 24 hours before any appointment and openly communicating any questions or concerns during the process.

During a Session

Personally, I was very nervous about my first laser hair removal appointment. Though I was assured it would be extremely quick and fairly painless, it was a new environment and process, so I was understandably nervous. My technician ensured I was comfortable throughout the entire process and answered any questions I had regarding aftercare and preparations for following sessions. What I learned is it is okay to shave between sessions and sessions are normally 6 weeks apart. I got to say though, my second session was much more painful than the first!

What to be Aware of

Before getting this treatment, I would recommend doing some research. I am sorry to all my blonde, grey, red or white hair colour people out there, but the laser does not work on light hair. This is because the light hair does not contain enough pigment for the laser to absorb. It is also ideal for the hair to be coarse as the laser will not pick up thin hairs very well. Therefore, doing research and getting various opinions from different clinics and technicians is so important. Laser hair removal is also expensive and can be painful so look for discounts or package deals!

The aftermath of it all is no razor bumps, no breakages and clear-as-day results for my sensitive skin. Laser hair removal was a great choice for me. I respect everyone’s preference for having control over their body and I am personally extremely happy with my decision.

  • beauty
  • body hair
  • hair removal
  • HC Laurier
  • laser
  • laser treatment
  • shaving
  • WLU

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