Certified to Do Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Certified
Laser Hair Removal Certified

“Do you need to be certified to do laser hair removal?” is a question that seems to be asked often enough. In fact, it comes up so frequently that it is a top find on popular search engines.

People interested in the field of medical aesthetics are likely among those inclined to ask whether you need to be certified to do laser hair removal?”

If you are one of those people, you have officially arrived at the right place! Luckily enough, at National Laser Institute we have the answers and can’t wait to share them with you!

The facts:

Truth be told, there are no federal guidelines that dictate standards for laser hair removal technicians. Subsequently, with no rules in place on a federal level, it is up to states to regulate laser hair removal and the professionals who perform it. Such laws and requirements vary from state to state. Therefore, it is always important to check the particular regulations in the state where you live and work.

How Important are Regulations?

State laws are essential to ensure the quality and safety of hair removal treatments. Though it may seem like such regulations are a hassle, it couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, regulations give consumers (your customers!) confidence in the industry thereby increasing their comfort and willingness to get treatments like laser hair removal. In order for you to have clients, people must feel at ease and assured that industry practices are safe and worthy of trust.

(Again, long before you offer laser treatments to clients, you should clarify up-to-date policies and standards where your business operates.)

With the exception of a few, most states require education (both classroom and didactic) and certification to perform laser hair removal. Interestingly, Arizona was the first state to issue laws regarding laser treatments. Many states require certification from a school like the National Laser Institute.

In 2004, when the State of Arizona first began requiring training for laser treatments, National Laser Institute emerged as a pioneer in the field by offering training.

Okay, okay. Point made. All states have different requirements and it’s important to verify before doing laser treatments. Nevertheless, the question has yet to be answered:

Do You Need to Be Certified to Do Laser Hair Removal?

Though different state rules vary, and the level of strictness is diverse, generally speaking, you do need to be certified to do laser hair removal. Only a few states don’t require some type of training and further education. In fact, a few states with the narrowest laser treatment laws only allow medical professionals to operate cosmetic lasers and equipment. However, in most states, anyone can become a cosmetic laser technician without prior training.

So, the question do you need to be certified to do laser hair removal can lead to some sticky answers. Remember that it is always advisable to check with the state where you live and work for specific rules and regulations.

If you have questions about the state where you live, do some digging or call NLI at 800-982-6827 to inquire. We’d be happy to help guide you to the answer you seek!

In fact, feel free to ask our advisors, “Do you need to be certified to do laser hair removal?” via chat! They are well informed and thrilled to help!

Do I have to be an aesthetician to work in the laser industry?

Generally speaking, no!

With just a few exceptions, most states don’t require an aesthetician’s license (or any professional medical training) to perform cosmetic laser procedures.

Undoubtedly, laser certification is a natural progression for many aestheticians, but being an aesthetician is usually not a requirement.

I don’t have to have any background or experience?

Truly! You don’t need experience. You need drive and dedication and the desire to be part of the exciting field of medical aesthetics.

Anyone eighteen or older with a high school diploma (or equivalent) can take National Laser Institute’s comprehensive cosmetic laser course. With just two weeks of training, you can gain the skillset to become a confident, competent laser technician.

One of the great things about becoming a certified laser technician is that the training and career can be a good fit for anyone. Medical professionals, beauticians, bus drivers, bull riders, teachers, and anyone else with a passion for helping others in a fun, innovative field are excellent candidates for laser certification.

What will I learn in NLI’s cosmetic laser course?

We’re so glad you asked (you sound really interested – we love that!). As a student enrolled in our Online Comprehensive Laser Course, you’ll be privy to the latest, greatest trends in cosmetic laser treatments. During our combination of hands-on training and classroom teaching, you’ll learn how to administer a wide array of cutting-edge treatments including:

  • Laser hair removal
  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photofacial
  • Laser spider vein reduction
  • Laser acne treatments
  • CoolSculpting body contouring
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening
  • Laser wrinkle reduction
  • Skin tightening
  • Laser tattoo removal

Upon graduating…

Certificate in hand, you will walk away from the training with the ability to apply laser treatments safely and effectively. You will confidently operate lasers and pulsed light devices. Moreover, you’ll have a unique understanding on which types of laser treatments will create the desired results for your clients. You will impress even yourself when you spew knowledge including the fundamentals of how laser interacts with skin tissue. Additionally, you will understand the hazards associated with cosmetic lasers and how to avoid them.

Truth be told, we could go on and on (and we have…) about the benefits of taking NLI’s comprehensive laser course. But most importantly, you will leave the institution with a new career and a member of an exciting, ever-expanding industry.

Where do laser technicians work?

The beauty of this answer is that laser technicians work all over! The demand for laser technicians are great and so are the options for people in the field. Technicians may be found in medical spas, in physicians’ offices, day spas, niche boutiques, fitness centers, and beauty salons.

What are the benefits of being a laser technician?

We’ve made it fairly clear that we are biased to the vocation, but we are because laser technicians truly have fantastic jobs!

Per figures from Economic Research Institute, the national average laser technician’s salary is $64,448 annually. That sum is the equivalent of $31 hourly (not too shabby for two weeks of training!).

Positions offer full and part time hours, benefits packages and bonuses in some instances. Paid time off and leave are equally fetching benefits.

Furthermore, the employment opportunities are vast. The field of medical aesthetics is growing every day and will continue to do so. As the industry swells and cash continues to flow from client’s pockets, job opportunities and pay for industry professionals will follow.

Are there non-monetary rewards?

Apart from the money, there are so many additional benefits to working as a laser technician.

As a laser technician you will have the flexibility to find an environment that works for you and your lifestyle. Imagine being able to find the perfect fit for you, the hours you want and flexibility.

And think about the clients! You will spend your days working closely with clients to help them enhance their appearance and strengthen their confidence. Could there be a better reward than seeing your hard work pay off in the form of changing the lives of other people?

Also, many places that offer cosmetic laser and IPL treatments also provide free or discounted treatments to their employees. How’s that for a win-win?

In conclusion:

So, let’s put it all together.

You asked the important question, “Do you need to be certified to do laser hair removal?” and we answered. Granted, our reply was long-winded and involved but we can’t help it, at National Laser Institute we are passionate about medical aesthetics!

Truth be told, in response to “Do you need to be certified to do laser hair removal?” we danced around a bit (but we eventually arrived at an answer). Again, it is vital that you check the state laws and regulations where you live and work.

As we mentioned before, the vast majority of states require education and training to be a laser technician. At NLI we would love to guide you on your way to a successful new career as a laser technician. Contact us at 800-982-6817 or complete the attached form.

During our Online Comprehensive Laser Course you will receive online classroom laser training with a variety of instructors and live demonstrations with several hours on each modality. Then choose one of our nationwide locations to attend your clinicals for hands-on learning!

Modalities include Laser Hair Removal, Photofacial, Laser Skin Rejuvenation, Radiofrequency Skin Rejuvenation, Coolsculpting, Cellulite Reduction, Tattoo Removal, Radiofrequency Skin Tightening, and Microneedling.

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