All Your Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Questions, Answered

Summer is fast-approaching, meaning beach trips are officially scheduled in the diary and our attention has shifted from cosy knits to new season swimsuits. With the warmer weather, our beauty priorities also shift, to include a more proactive approach towards hair removal. One of the most-talked about procedures of all? Brazilian laser hair removal.

One of the reasons Brazilian laser hair removal is one of the most oft-discussed treatments is because, to the outsider, is promises hair-free results for a prolonged period of time, without the pain associated with waxing. But, if you’re contemplating booking in for your first Brazilian laser hair appointment, there are some things you should know first, including the necessary prep work and exactly what the treatment involves.

Here to answer all you questions is Laser Clinics Australia‘s Medical Director, Dr. Jonathan Hopkirk.

What do I need to do before Brazilian laser hair removal?

“The first step to take when planning to start your laser hair removal journey is making sure you are suitable for treatments,” Dr. Hopkirk explains. “We offer complementary consultations where we go through the client’s suitability for treatment, we discuss any concerns and answer any questions.

“Before arriving for every laser hair removal treatment it is important to shave the area 24 hours prior to treatment. Do not wax, pluck or bleach two-four weeks prior to treatment as this will effect the outcome of the treatment.

“Clients must also avoid fake tan and sun exposure two weeks prior to treatment. We recommend using Skinstitut Glycolic 14% scrub to assist with removing fake tan prior to your appointment.

“It’s also important that you let your therapist know if you have changed or started any new medication before the treatment begins.”

What can you I expect during the treatment?

“After your consultant has asked you all the necessary questions regarding fake tan, sun exposure, medications etc., you’ll then proceed with the treatment which generally, for a Brazilian & underarms treatment, is completed with within 10 minutes,” says Dr. Hopkirk.

“During the treatment you will feel a slight flick on the skin which is then complemented with a cooling device which instantly cools the skin to make the treatment as comfortable as possible.”

What do I need to do post-treatment?

“Aftercare is extremely important with laser hair removal—I recommend using the correct homecare products such as Skinstitut Laser Aid immediately after each treatment and for the following three-five days.

“Skinstitut Glycolic 14% scrub is used for one week post-treatment to help speed up the results by removing the unwanted, dead hairs that need a little encouragement to come out and reduce the possibility of any ingrown hairs.”

Shaving tip: After your laser hair removal treatment, use a gentle cleanser which is excellent for the more sensitive skin types.

“SPF should also be used daily, and completely avoid sun exposure on the treated areas for one-two weeks post laser hair removal.

“Avoid hot showers, saunas or any form of working out for 24 hours post. Do not wax, pluck or use bleaching/hair removal cream as this will negatively impact the results.

“It is best to only continue shaving in between treatments and remember the more treatments you have, the less shaving work in the long run.”

Facial sunscreen
Facial sunscreen

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