Advantages and disadvantages of laser hair removal treatment

Laser Hair Rmoval Treatment
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Laser hair removal is a method of removing unwanted hair from our bodies. It is a very simple and easy to do treatment without much tampering with the body.

According to 2016 statistics in the United States, laser hair removal is one of the most widely used cosmetic treatments out there.

This is a good method for those who are troubled by excess hair and want an effective way to remove it.

This article explains in detail what is laser hair removal and how to do laser hair removal treatment, what are its advantages and disadvantages. This article also tells about the cost of laser hair removal.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure in which unwanted hair is removed with the help of focused laser rays.

During laser hair removal, a laser beam is released that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) of the hair. Light energy is converted into heat which destroys the tube-shaped sacs (hair follicles – which grow hair) inside our skin. This damage to the hair follicles prevents them from growing hair again or it takes a long time for new hair to grow.
Although laser hair removal stops hair growth for a long time, it doesn’t make the hair go away forever. More than one laser hair removal treatment may be needed to remove the hair initially and the treatment may need to be continued.

Laser hair removal is most beneficial for those who have fair skin and dark hair.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser technology is useful in removing unwanted hair from the face, legs, hands, underarms, bikini lines and other parts of the body. Following are the benefits of laser hair removal –
• The laser removes dark and coarse hair without harming the surrounding skin.
• One advantage of laser treatment is that it is time-consuming. If you want to remove the hair around your upper lip, it takes you less than a minute. On the other hand, if the area is large, such as the legs or back, it may take about an hour.
• On average, after 3 to 6 sessions, most people have permanent hair loss.

Disadvantages of Laser Hair Removal

No serious harm from laser hair removal is negligible. Some of the common harmful effects can be:

• Swelling
• Reddening of the skin
• Discomfort and skin irritation

These effects subside after treatment, but if they do not, contact your doctor.

Some of the less harmful effects of this treatment are as follows –

• Skin marks
• Skin burns
• Blisters
• Infection
• Permanent change in skin colour

Laser Hair Removal Price

The cost of laser hair removal is decided based on the following factors –

• What is the experience of the specialist?
• Where are you getting treatment?
• What is the area of ​​treatment?
• For how many sessions will the treatment be taken?

The cost of laser hair removal in India normally ranges from Rs 2,000 to Rs 4,000 per session. However, this does not mean that the area where you need to remove the hair is small so it will only take one session. At any given time 50-65% of our body hair keeps growing which lasts for 3-4 weeks.

Laser treatments can only be done on hair that is growing at the time, so you need at least 4 sessions to remove all of the hair. Your doctor schedules each session of your treatment at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks.
This means it takes 4 to 6 months for your treatment to be completed. Your cost for this entire treatment may range from 8,000 to 16,000. If you want to take more sessions then this cost will naturally be higher. Before getting treatment, talk to your doctor about this matter.

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